


Sem break again! | Thursday, January 8, 2015


"This is the Mercy of Allah Subhana wa’taala.. Everyday He gives us a chance to repent from our sins. To do more good deeds so it will help us in our Graves and On The Day of Qiyamah. Still we are disobedient and are not aware that one day we will leave this world."

Bismillah. Ahamdulillah dah selesai sem II. Banyak sangat pengalaman baru, especially bila pindah dari Gambang dan transit sekejap kat UIA PJ untuk sem II ni. As expected, 7 weeks passed by so fast and our life were truly hectic. One of the issues that kept bothering my mind throughout these 7 weeks is, how I really envy those 2 year programme students. Haha. Yelah, kitorang kelas full everyday smpi petang (except Friday of course, class until 12 only) Tapi diorang lagi lah rileks. Paling banyak 2 lab je sehari dan hari Jumaat mmg diorang free. Bila cakap dengan diorang pasal ni, the same response from them would be , "Korang sibuk, stress skrg tapi dah nak habis CFS. Kitorang ade sthn lagi kt sini." They've got a point there. So I kept saying to myself that, this was the choice that I willingly chose so I've got to face the struggle that comes with it. InsyaAllah we'll brave through this ^^

Lagi satu isu terhangat di kalangan budak Gambang bila mula2 sampai PJ ni of course nothing else but the mahallah. Haha. Agak terkejut la tengok mahallah FZC tu rasa nak menangis pun ada kahkah. Hm baru nak bersyukur nak hashtag rindu Gambang bagai kahkah lawak betul. Pastu seronok jugak bila duduk CFS yg campur student macam2 course nih. Haha jakun gila budak Gambang selama ni bersosial budak Medic Pharmacy Dentistry je. Duk PJ baru nampak budak AED bawak beg lukisan besar2, nampak foreigner ajor APT, nmpk student pelbagai ragam dan jelas sekali budak medical sciences ni paling skema bawak buku Physics tebal nak mampus habis kelas kul 5 6 petang gi carik roti canai dan sesuap nasi hahaha xD

Tapi part yg paling best kat PJ ni, macam yg Kak Farahin naqibat tersayangku cakap ialah PJ ni tempat yang 'hidup' dengan majlis2 ilmu, penuh dengan pengisian utk rohani. Seronok bila tiap tiap malam ada 2 3 pengisian yg clash sampai taktau nak pilih pegi mana satu. Haha teringt pulak dilema si farah eliessa dan aishah faiz wktu malam2 yg ade talk. Nak pegi talk tp keje belambak tak siap. Konon je nak gi talk smpi kul 10 je pastu nak balik siapkan report. Tup tup sangkut jugak smpi hampir pukul 11, tunggu talk habis. Bila balik bilik, badan dah penat sampai tertido duk cari ilham nak tulis Islamic reflection dalam report Chem. Hahaha. Pengalaman paling best kat PJ ni waktu pergi kem penutup Daie Team. Hehehe. Seronok gila. Walaupun sebelum pegi tu mmg stress gila cramped otak dengan reports, projects, tests berlambak, tapi Alhamdulillah mmg sgt berbaloi. Pengisian dia mmg sgt memberi impak. What I love the most about this camp is that I'm finally able to voice my heart out. Rasa mcm apa yg terpendam hampir 2 tahun terluah jugak. Hahaha. Especially wktu slot yg tajuk Tarbiyyah tu. Hm perasaan yg terpendam drpd zaman form 4 dulu, akhirnya terluah waktu tu. Kahkah lawak lak bila teringt balik.

Kalau boleh nak tulis balik smua pengisian setiap slot kat kem tu. Ngehehe. But I'm not gonna write in this post. Dalam entri2 seterusnya, sy akan cuba tulis balik pengisian yg sy dpt drpd setiap slot. Transit PJ was awesome, in its own way. InsyaAllah a week from now we'll be returning to Gambang :D Can't wait for new experiences waiting us in Sem 3!

That's all for now. Semoga tulisan ini memberi manfaat. Assalamualaikum and have a lovely day :)

Credits: Steffanie|Tutorials|Tumblr inspired layout