


Nak balik rumah! | Thursday, July 24, 2014



Haha tak pernah pernah sejak duk Gambang ni nak tido kul 2 semata mata study or buat keje. Makin nak balik makin banyak tuntutan kerja. Cewahh. Alhamdulillah baru je siapkan draft project chemistry. Ceeh padahal orang lain smua dah siap awal-awal. Diri sendiri yg lambat xD

Sekarang mood nak balik rumah seriously. Roommate dah menghitung hari sejak mggu lepas lagi. Diri sendiri tak sempat nak menghitung hari since last weekend ada test bio and a few quizzes that follows till the end of this week. Esok pon still ada kuiz chemistry before balik! Ohmyy jawab kuiz tp hati dah sampai rumah.

Makin nak balik baru lah terasa makin attached dengan syllabus. Eheh. Seronok pulak belajar maths tajuk polynomial, dengan Sir Suhaimi yang memang lawak sangat ahah. ICT pon sangat best hari ni since kitorang belajar pasal web developing which is to get used to html codes. Hm lebih kurang je mcm nk edit2 template utk blog. Cuma html is the most basic form of code for web developing. Now I know what does those codes means and how is the color code formed such as FFFFFF , what does those 6 digits actually represent. Baru sekarang sedar bezanya bila main guna je ikut suka hati atau guna dengan ilmu. Hehe.

Alhamdulillah mcm yg Madam Shafiyyah cakap, korang yg pilih one-year-programme ni "is actually preparing yourself for the hectic life in Kuliyyah later." Terkezut pulak bila Madam cakap ada student dia yang amik pharmacy boleh kurus keding wktu degree sebab busy dengan kuiz nya setiap hari. Tak lena tido malam. Hm nampak la peluang nak kurus tu nanti ahah.

Anyway, amik course apa pon takde yang senang. As long as you live, nothing comes easy. Except for those hard times. Hard time comes easy. Sudah sudah la merepek tengah malam. Besok kelas so better zzzZZ.

Fi amanillah wa hifzillah sayang sayang semua xoxo

p/s Received a very sad news this morning, my best friend's father passed away. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'un. May Allah grant her and her family strength to endure this test. Amiin.

Credits: Steffanie|Tutorials|Tumblr inspired layout